Title: A Good Impression Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Friendship, Fluff Word Count: 3,486 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Hannah, Eli, Nicholas, Rachel, Rose, Ben, Madison (Hannah/Eli, Ben/Madison)
A/N: Another super sized Ficlet Friday to bridge the time gap between the last fic and the next one, and probably the last time we'll see Jeannie in fic form.
grace (Jamie, Grace, mentions of Madison and Caroline), G
Title: A Second Chance Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Friendship, Fluff, Angsty bits Word Count: 4,256 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Hannah, mentions of Eddie
A/N: Another one I'm super excited to post. (Also posting tonight because I'm not sure what my schedule will be like tomorrow.)